Totally unrelated, but I can’t resist.

From BBC News, not Weekly World News. Start humming Louie Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World,” then begin reading.

There has been a small outbreak of “zombism” in a small town near the border of Laos in North-Eastern Cambodia.

The culprit was discovered to be mosquitoes native to that region carrying a new strain of Malaria which thus far has a 100 percent mortality rate and kills victims in fewer than 2 days.

After death, this parasite is able to restart the heart of its victim for up to two hours after the initial demise of the person where the individual behaves in extremely violent ways from what is believed to be a combination of brain damage and a chemical released into blood during “resurrection.”

And here’s the clincher. Doesn’t every horror movie start out this way?

Cambodian officials say that the outbreak has been contained and the public has no need to worry.

General Ary Serey had this to say, “We have obtained samples of this new parasite and plan to learn how it starts the heart and other major organs of the deceased. We intend to use this to increase the quality of life for all.”

Update: Arrrh! I’ve been punk’d by the BBC. That’s what I get for surfing the blogosphere at 6am and not paying attention to the date of the story (April 1.) Those bastards! Paybacks are hell…

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

5 thoughts to “Totally unrelated, but I can’t resist.”

  1. Damn, I was all ready to take some vacation time and come back home with a mounted zombie head. Just as well, I guess. Customs probably wouldn’t let me through with it anyway.

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