This one’s better

Today’s episode almost sounds as good as the one that got away. Finally, some progress.

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

8 thoughts to “This one’s better”

  1. The information on getting a job in Japan was really interesting. Is “ano” like saying uhh or umm in English? Whenever anyone says it there seems to be a silence before the next word.

    1. Yes, “ano” is exactly like “uhh.” I hope you’re not studying Japanese and have never heard anyone say “ano.” I try not to say it, but I probably use it all the time without realizing it.

  2. Your comments in this podcast about looking for a job were just what I needed to hear right now, thank you! Also, some time back when you talked about breaking bad habits and dealing with frustration — very much resonated with me. You may feel like you ramble, but your thoughts and insights are very clear and often quite remarkable.

    Oh, and let me know if you need any more programmers 😉

    1. are you are trying to get a programming job in tokyo?

      I’m just curious because I’m a CS student and was thumbing through some programming texts at the local japanese import store and found the text was in japanese, but the code was all english. I can only guess that it must be rather difficult to learn a computer language in a foriegn language.

  3. I’ve been using Pimsleur and they haven’t mentioned it yet, but I hear it all the time and wasn’t satisfied with the dictionary definition which just says that over there.

    1. The Japanese used in the Pimsleur method must be very sterile. I guess it’s time for me to finally edit the bilingual podcast I recorded with a co-worker about two months ago, and turn it into kind of Japanese lesson.

  4. That would be really cool Rich! I understood alot of the conversation you had at the end of this podcast and picked up a new word too (namachuukei) which all helps with my language learning morale.

    I have heard criticism of Pimsleur not sounding like everyday Japanese before but I think it’s still probably the best audio based language comprehension program out there. The alternatives may teach a lot of words but they don’t seem to give you a literal translation. I’m not actually taking a Japanese course until next fall so I’m trying to pick up what I can now.

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