Microsoft WMV patch released

Nice to see they released the patch early. If you’re still running Windows 98 or ME, there’s no patch available because the exploit doesn’t match their criteria for being “critical” because a working “attack vector” hasn’t been found. (I like the sound of attack vector. It’s manly.)

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

2 thoughts to “Microsoft WMV patch released”

  1. Hey Rich, why not bit the bullet and get yourself a mac instead of wasting endless hours trying to get things to work, not to mention the viruses and malwares? I have both pc and mac, and you save alot of money upfront on the pc side, but the hours spent getting it to work and the hit on productivity just isn’t worth it over the long haul. OSX has finally matured into a great OS and things are looking great for Apple.

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