Guess whose desk this is.


Hint: It doesn’t belong to any of my coworkers.
Another hint: My boss’s desk is even worse. (I like him.)

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

11 thoughts to “Guess whose desk this is.”

  1. I think it was on NPR I heard that people with messy desks tend to be creative.

    When people get too close to me at work I fling my poo at them.

  2. When people get too close to me at work I fling my poo at them.

    truely, then, this makes you a real code monkey! 😀

  3. Yeh my desk is similar, although I dread the day when the cleaner turns up! all my papers etc get mixed up, one time they wanted to clean my laptop, after watching them go at our office pc’s I decided to give it a miss ;/

  4. Hmmm, I see the laptop, a monitor and 3 mice.

    I do a lot of driving for my work. About 37,000 miles last year. I could say that the inside of my car looks very similar to your desk(minus the LCD).


  5. *Japanese proverb*
    塵も積もれば山となる(chirimotumoreba yamatonaru)
    Many a little makes a mickle.
    but,they seem all important papers.

  6. My desk is totally clean, only the phone and the G5.
    I think I have a mild obssesive compulsive disorder.
    I always have the urge to clean my coworkers desks.

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