A brief work situation update

In a nutshell, I think I’m OK. But just to be on the safe side, I’m going to get completely drunk tonight at the BlogNation Japan shindig tonight and repeatedly vomit in my backpack on the train ride home. (I’ll be sure to wear my binaural mics.)

P.S. Rockstar Mommy is a funny, funny blog written by a woman who, if there are more like her out there, I just might grind my family into hamburger and try starting life over. She cheered me up.

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

4 thoughts to “A brief work situation update”

  1. @Jon: Rock Star Mommy can be pretty funny, but after a while the incessant potty mouth wears on me. I’ve been meaning to look at Dooce.com but haven’t had time yet.

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